Along came an older gentleman (retired) and asked if he may have the seat across from me - to which I indicated of course. We chatted for a bit
and then both refocused on our own reading material. This gentleman
proceeded to pull out a newspaper from his blazer (it was adorable how
smartly he had dressed up for what looked like a daily outing for him).
He then took out a pen and with great verve he began to scawl notes
around a particular article he'd been reading. - After some time, I couldnt
help but comment about it - he looked at the paper (which was from the
previous was in fact Monday already), nonetheless although weathered was clearly well loved and talked at length about the article. His spririt etched in my mind and I reflected that we are so busy in our lives (me with this brief hour) yet in his retirement years it was one of life's little pleasures. - I went up to order another tea and asked the staff if he came in everyday? They said oh yes indeed. I thought - gosh Starbucks can't be that cheap on a retirement wage I should treat him and at the same time ordered him a coffee for them to give him the next day when he came up to order.
The girl at the desk looked at me and said - my goodness its so nice to see there are good people out there. That was lovely - thank you. - As I went back to my seat I couldnt help but think - giving should "hurt" a little, what is a cup of coffee to me? vs the joy for him. I thought about his hanging onto the paper that was already half a week old and wondered how many of us have such appreciation. In that moment I decided to "up the giving a notch". On my way out, I pre-paid and ordered for the rest of the month for him to have a lovely coffee (his usual) along with a fresh daily newspaper. The girl's jaw dropped. From my end, I giggled knowing it was sure to put a smile on this man's face for the rest of the month. And it felt good to do it. A random act of kindness. - The girl at the till said - are you sure? - I replied "you bet!" Lets do it...She said you know what Karma is such that even though you arent doing this to receive...receive you will !
Well - listen to this...she was right ! My meeting ran late and I ended
up being extremely late getting the airport. This was during the
heightened security measures at Gatwick airport. At a time where you need to arrive a few hours prior! - Krikey I arrived with LESS than 30 minutes to departure. Cut along story short - I made the flight. I'm telling
you it was a complete IMPOSSIBILITY, I should not have made it. The
universe intervened - of that I am sure. And with a twinkle in my eye of
appreciation - I boarded the flight.
So thank you to that lovely man for his company and for bringing out
the good in me - and thanks to the universe for the assistance that day.
It was a double dose of pleasure!
Fill the world with random acts of kindness - the world needs more.
Pass it on!